Navigating Marketing in 2024:

A Guide for Micro and Small Business Owners in Australia

Marketing is often a confusing thing to grasp.. An easy way to break it down, is essentially, there's the product or service your business offers, there are your GST and financial obligations, and pretty much everything else is marketing, that is, everything else you do is about attracting people to buy something from you…

In 2024, staying ahead in the marketing landscape means understanding how traditional principles have evolved and leveraging the latest tools and platforms to connect with your audience effectively.

From the 4 P’s to the 7 P’s of Marketing

Traditionally, marketing was built on the foundation of the 4 P’s—Product, Price, Place, and Promotion. However, as the business environment has become more sophisticated, the model has expanded to include three additional elements, creating the 7 P’s.

The 4 P’s:

  1. Product - What you sell

  2. Price - How much you charge

  3. Place - Where you sell it

  4. Promotion - How you get the word out

The Additional 3 P’s:

  1. People - Your employees and customers

  2. Process - The way you deliver your product or service

  3. Physical Evidence - Tangible proof of your service or product, like reviews or testimonials

The progression doesn’t stop at the 7 P’s. In today's interconnected world, marketers have introduced the 7 C’s framework to focus more on customer-centric strategies:

The 7 C’s are:

  1. Customer Value - Ensuring your product solves a problem or adds value for your customers

  2. Cost - Total cost of ownership for the customer, not just the price

  3. Convenience - How easy it is for customers to purchase and use your product

  4. Communication - Two-way interaction between you and your customers

  5. Community - Building a loyal customer base and community around your brand

  6. Customisation - Tailoring your offerings to meet individual customer needs

  7. Content - Relevant and valuable information that attracts and engages your audience

The Rise of Social Media & Content Marketing

Social media has revolutionised the way businesses engage with their audience. Platforms like Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, and TikTok offer unprecedented opportunities for small businesses to build their brand, connect with customers, and generate leads. But it has also forced businesses to become content creators, and media savvy like never before..

Why does Social Media Matter?

Because, it’s where people spend their time. Social media usage continues to trends upwards across all demographics.

  • Brand Awareness - Reach a larger audience quickly

  • Customer Engagement - Interact directly with customers and build relationships

  • Cost-Effective - Many social media tools are free or low-cost, offering high ROI

  • Data-Driven - Access to valuable insights and analytics to refine your strategies

Content Marketing

Content marketing remains a powerful tool to educate, inform, and engage your audience. High-quality content can position your business as a thought leader in your industry and drive organic traffic to your site.

  • Blogging - Share insights, tips, and news related to your industry

  • Video - Create engaging and shareable content

  • Infographics - Simplify complex information with visuals

Email Marketing

Despite the rise of social media, email marketing continues to be one of the most effective channels for nurturing leads and retaining customers.

  • Personalisation - Tailored emails based on customer behaviour and preferences

  • Automation - Use tools to automate email campaigns and save time

  • Segmentation - Group your email list by demographics, purchase history, etc., for targeted messaging

SEO and Search Marketing

Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) and search marketing are crucial for driving traffic to your website. As search algorithms become more sophisticated, staying updated with best practices is essential.

SEO Tips:

  • Keyword Research - Identify and use relevant keywords

  • Quality Content - Create valuable content that answers your audience’s questions

  • Backlinks - Earn links from reputable sites to boost your credibility

  • User Experience - Ensure your website is mobile-friendly and loads quickly

Tools and Platforms

Leveraging the right tools and platforms can significantly improve your marketing efforts and streamline operations, making your daily life as a business owner more manageable.

Must-Have Tools:

  • CRM Systems - Manage customer relationships and data

  • Email Marketing Platforms - Automate and analyse email campaigns

  • Social Media Management Tools - Schedule and track social media posts

  • Analytics Tools - Measure and analyse marketing performance


Marketing in 2024 is a multifaceted endeavour that requires a blend of traditional principles and modern strategies. By understanding the evolution to customer centric strategies, and adapting to the relevant digital marketing elements, you can elevate your small business to new heights.

Ready to take your marketing to the next level? Work with me and let's grow together!


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